During 2014, real estate activity in Plainville saw increases in total volume and average sales price.
There was a 27% decrease in documents recorded at the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds for Plainville in 2014, resulting in a reduction of 553 documents from 2,080 to 1,527.
The total volume of real estate sales in Plainville during 2014 was $89,493,873 which showed a 97% increase from 2013. The average sasle price of homes and commercial property was up 75% in Plainville. The average sale was $667,864. The dramatic increases in total volume and average sale price in 2014 were directly attributable to the sale of Plainridge Race Track on April 11th for $42 million.
The number of mortgages recorded (289) on Plainville properties in 2014 was down by 37% from the previous year. Total mortgage indebtedness also decreased by 18% to $131,189,180 during the same period.
There were 2 foreclosure deeds filed in Plainville during 2014, representing a 33% decrease from the previous year when there was 3 foreclosure deeds filed.
Finally, homestead activity increased by 9% in Plainville during 2014 with 147 homesteads filed compared to 135 in 2013.